“Gang Rape Charges” Jung Joon-young was Sentenced to Five years in Prison

2020-09-25 17:55

Choi Jong-hoon was sentenced to two and a half years in prison.
Supreme Court's final ruling on September 24.

# This article was translated by A.I. to aid the understanding of English-speaking readers who subscribe to WIKITREE.

Jung Joon-young / News1
Jung Joon-young / News1
Jung Joon-young / News1
Jung Joon-young / News1
Choi Jong-hoon / News1
Choi Jong-hoon / News1
Choi Jong-hoon / News1
Choi Jong-hoon / News1

Once famous K-pop stars have fallen into the abyss.

On Sept. 24, the Supreme Court upheld the second trial's ruling on Jung Joon-young and Choi Jong-hoon as the original court. The two were sentenced to five years in prison and two and a half years in prison, respectively, in the second trial on charges of sexual violence.

The two were accused of gang rape of a drunken woman in 2016. Jung Joon-young was also accused of secretly filming and distributing photos of women who had sex.

They claimed that women also agreed to sex, but the court refused to accept it.

Photos of Jung Joon-young and Choi Jong-hoon during their activities / News1
Photos of Jung Joon-young and Choi Jong-hoon during their activities / News1

한때 유명했던 케이팝 스타들이 나락으로 떨어졌다.

9월 24일 대법원은 정준영, 최종훈에 대한 2심 판결을 원심으로 확정했다. 두 사람은 성폭력 혐의로 2심에서 각각 징역 5년, 징역 2년 6개월을 받았었다.

두 사람은 2016년 술에 취한 여성을 집단 성폭행한 혐의를 받았다. 정준영은 성관계를 맺은 여성들을 몰래 촬영해서 사진을 유포한 혐의도 받았다.

그들은 여성들도 성관계를 동의했다고 주장했지만 재판부는 이를 받아들이지 않았다.

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