Korean sweet potato 'evolution' is keep on going (Video)

2020-09-08 09:55

Roasted sweet potatoes will have interesting stuffings inside
New sweet potato products for the summer and winter season

This excerpt article is made for Wikitree's new Global Edition, which introduce the latest Korean news to our English-speaking subscribers worldwide. For those who are interested to see the original Korean content please read below.

Korean sweet potatoes / Yonhapnews
Korean sweet potatoes / Yonhapnews

Koreans absolutely love sweet potatoes. They got sweet potato pizza, sweet potato latte, sweet potato cake and the list goes on.

The sweet potatoes get another addition, thanks to the post on an online community in Korea. The topic resurface and getting people's attention.

YouTube, 목포MBC

According to MBC News on Feb. 9th & 10th, 2020, one company in Korea developed roasted sweet potatoes with 'cheese' inside.

Cheese / News1 same below
Cheese / News1 same below

They also developed 'ice' sweet potatoes with a chunk of 'pineapple' inside, which can be served as a cold snack.

These new sweet potatoes are patent registered.

People who saw the news left comments, "Cheese seems fine but pineapple inside sweet potato?!", "This looks good", "How can you store this?" and "I wish there are other stuffings available" to express their curiosity about the new sweet potato products.

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